05 December, 2013

Over 250 Holiday Cards Sent to Active-duty Service Members

Thanks to the contribution of many people at Ramapo Ridge Middle School, the French Honor Society was able to send over 250 holiday cards to active-duty service members who will not be home for the holidays.

61 cards were sent to the Marine Moms of Mahwah to fill the Christmas stocking being sent overseas

206 Cards were send to the Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes program 

Merci bien to everyone that participated! 

28 October, 2013

French Honor Society Holiday Card Initiative

Bonjour à tous!

The French Honor Society is looking to spread a little kindness this Holiday season to veterans and active-duty service members in hospitals around the world by contributing to the Christmas stocking project initiated by the Marine Moms and the ‘Holiday Mail for Heroes’ project.  Please help us by:

-          Donating blank holiday cards (we’ll write them for you!)
-          Dropping off completed cards
-          Writing holiday cards with your students in homeroom 

Here’s a link for more information about the marine Moms: www.mahwahmarinemoms.com

Here’s a link for more information on the Holiday Mail for Heroes program: http://www.redcross.org/support/get-involved/holiday-mail-for-heroes  (There’s also a great video) 

All cards received by November 4th will be sent to the Marine Moms
All cards received by November 18th will be sent to the Holiday Cards for Heroes program  

If you’re planning on writing some cards, please make sure they follow the Red Cross guidelines:

·         Ensure that all cards are signed.
·         Use generic salutations such as “Dear Service Member.” Cards addressed to specific individuals can not be delivered through this program.
·         Only cards are being accepted. Do not send or include letters.
·         Do not include email or home addresses on the cards: the program is not meant to foster pen pal relationships.
·         Do not include inserts of any kind, including photos: these items will be removed during the reviewing process.
·         Please refrain from choosing cards with glitter or using loose glitter as it can aggravate health issues of ill and injured warriors.
·         Each card does not need its own envelope, as envelopes will be removed from all cards before distribution.

Merci beaucoup!

13 October, 2013

7eme: Number games

Click on the links below to find interactive games that will help you learn the numbers in French.

Study numbers 22 - 31: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryfrench/pf2/numbers22_31/game.shtml?nav

Study numbers 32 - 60: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryfrench/pf2/numbers32_60/game.shtml?nav

Study numbers 0 - 100: http://lexiquefle.free.fr/num.swf
    1. Click on the sign that shows the numbers you wish to study.
    2. Click anywhere on the screen.
    3. Click on the headphones (bottom of screen) and listen for a number.
    4. Click on the space ship that has the number you heard.

23 September, 2013

7eme & 8eme: School materials flashcards


To print these flashcards: 1. Click here: http://quizlet.com/_a1awt 2. Click the 'Print' button located on the top right corner of the screen.  3. Follow the directions that appear on the right side of the new window that opens up. 

To Play Study Games with these Flashcards:
1. Click here: http://quizlet.com/_a1awt 2. Choose one of the 6 study game buttons located below the title of the set. (Flashcards, learn, speller, test, scatter, race)  

Amusez-vous bien!

03 September, 2013


Bonjour et bienvenue! 

I hope that in this year to come, 
you make mistakes. 
Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, 
trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, 
changing yourself, changing your world. 

You're doing things you've never done before, 
and more importantly, you're doing something
Don't freeze, don't stop,
don't worry that it isn't good enough, or it isn't perfect,
whatever it is: art, or love, or work, or family, or life. 
Whatever it is you're scared of doing, do it

Make your mistakes, next year and forever. 
-Neil Gaiman

After a wonderful fun-filled summer, I'm looking forward to a great year!


7th and 8th graders in my class will need the following supplies for this school year: 

- One marble composition notebook
Either: one 1" 3 ring binder (with paper) OR one notebook and one 2 pocket folder
- Several pens, pencils, and highlighters
- Colored pens are optional
- One USB portable flash drive

30 July, 2013

Voilà Eleanor!

Voilà Eleanor! Elle a 4 mois. Son anniversaire est le 24 mars, 2013.

Elle est très comique et mignonne.  Quand il fait beau, elle aime faire une promenade avec moi et M. Cesario. Elle aime faire beaucoup de choses avec moi.

C’est un peu triste, mais elle n’aime pas vraiment la voiture. Mais, elle adore la plage et le parc. 

En général, elle et très bonne et ne cause pas des problèmes. Mais elle aime faire du jardin ! Oh là là. Quel désastre !